Dominion Mission Theological University, Global

Dominion Mission Theological University, Global


About Us

Synopsis of DMTU

Dominion Mission Theological University Global (DMTUG), offers a Spirit led all inclusive ministry curriculum which equips students to recognize the Lordship of Jesus Christ in all subject areas of learning and position them to stand for the ultimate Truth in the widening knowledge gap being created between Theological knowledge, Science and Technological advancement in the 21st Century Educational terrain.

Dominion Mission Theological University (DMTU) was conceived by Bishop Professor Daniel Dela in 2016 as answer to a heartfelt cry for the enlistment of men and women - average men that will be transformed from the place of mediocrity to the place of ambiance of God’s glory and authority; and ultimately stand for the Truth.

Our Philosophy, Mission, Vission and Core Values


We believe that God is the author of all truth and not just religious truth. We therefore recognize the Lordship of Christ in all areas of learning to understand the holistic truth about life and the world.

Vision Statement:

We envision to be the leading theological University in Africa and beyond in raising a mighty army of men and women to stand for the Truth.

Mission Statement:

• We exist to equip the saints for all-inclusive ministry through timely spiritual and cost- effective training of the heart, mind and body to meet life's challenges with uncompromised Biblical Truth.

• To advance the study and instruction of theological education through the application of appropriate academic and professional standards to theological teaching, research and practice.

• To respond to the widening knowledge gap being created between Theological knowledge, Science, and Technological advancement.

. Equip students to recognize the Lordship of Jesus Christ in all subject areas of learning and to respond to His call of being transforming influences in the society.

• To ignite the love of lifelong learning of the TRUTH in the body of Christ.

Core Values

Growth mind-set - we want to produce students who will cultivate continual growth mind set both spiritually and academically. This will be established through leadership, critical thinking and teaching students to see challenges as new territories for growth.

Servant attitude- we try to create in our students the others focused culture through which Christ's love and impact can be felt.

Character- we want to model the character of Christ in our responses and decisions making. We try to conduct ourselves with the highest-level personal integrity and respect.

Excellence - We are committed to high standard of pre-eminence in spirituality, character and academics.


DMTU Global is incorporated under the Companies Act, 2019 (Act 992) in Ghana, with the Number CG121040221. It also holds registration under Kenya’s Company Act, 2015 - Number PVT-ZQUX9GQ9, reflecting its official recognition and compliance with national educational standards in these countries.


In its commitment to maintaining high educational standards and global recognition, DMTU is a member of several prestigious organizations. These include the Association of Independent Christian Colleges and Seminaries in the USA and the International Education Accreditation Society (INTEAS) in the USA. These memberships ensure that DMTU adheres to international standards in theological education and maintains rigorous academic quality.


We are affiliated with TECHM Christ Global Bible Schools Affiliation in the USA. This affiliation facilitates academic collaboration, resource sharing, and the enhancement of its curriculum to meet global educational benchmarks.

Satelite Countries

Ghana, Togo, Malawi, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Tanzania, Uganda, Nigeria, Cameroon, Senegal, Botswana, Lesotho, South Africa, Philippines, India,Haiti, Canada etc.

Admission ongoing

Admission ongoing



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